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Library Access

Ohio Revised Code Section 307.51 established a county law library which shall not charge any fee for any service provided to any member of the general assembly or to any officer or employee of a county, municipal, or township government or court located within that county when the officer or employee is acting within the scope of the officer's or employee's employment and shall have a policy regarding public use.
The law library has a duty to avoid engaging in the unauthorized practice of law and/or the recommendation of attorney-client relationships. Therefore, the law library recommends that anyone taking legal action or considering whether or not such legal action is appropriate consult with an attorney. The law library will not provide interpretation of any legal material or give any legal advice. The law library will not provide assistance with personal technological devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, or storage devices.
The law library is open from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Any additional closings will be posted on the law library’s website and with signage inside the law library.  All monetary transactions must be completed by 4:15 pm in order to give staff time to complete closing procedure.

County and State Employees

The law library shall provide legal research, reference, and library services at no cost to the county and to the municipal corporations, townships, and courts within the county, to any member of the general assembly, or to any officer or employee of a county, municipal, or township government or court located within that county when the officer or employee is acting within the scope of the officer’s or employee’s employment.

Authorized Legal Practitioners

The law library shall provide legal research, reference, and library services to those who are licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio and any paralegal or secretary of an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio.  Fees for services may be charged.

Public Libraries

The law library shall provide legal research, reference, and library services to any reference librarian at one of the seven public library systems in Franklin County on behalf of public library patrons.  Fees for services may be charged.

General Public

The law library shall provide legal research, reference, and library services to citizens of the State of Ohio. Fees for services may be charged.